Vowel Pair "ai" and "ay"

Welcome back, Boys

I hope you are enjoying your online classes.

Yesterday, we sound our sound journey. Today, we shall go further in that direction and we would learn the sound when two vowels come together.

Today, we would meet two pairs

1)  AI

2) AY

Let us meet the pair "ai". They love each other a lot and when they come together they make one sound.

You want to hear what they sound like?

Here it is.

You want to hear them again?

Ohhh, aren't they a lovely pair.

Now, let's meet our next pair "ay"

They too love each a lot and this is what they sound like

Let's hear their sweet sound again

Did you enjoy it?


Now, take out your notebooks and write the following words in it.

Don't forget to read them out loud while writing

LINE Creators' Stickers - move!Useful phrases you often use ...