CVC words- families A and E.

A very Good Morning to you, Boys

Good morning GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

I hope you are enjoying your online classes. Today, we will be revising 3 letter words

In today's class, I would like you to meet two families.
Family A
Family E

In family A the smallest member is the letter 'a' so it always stays in the middle.

These words will have letter 'a' in the middle and the sound will be of a short vowel 'A'

Are you ready to meet family A?

Be ready with your dancing shoes to shake a leg

Let us learn that again

Isn't it a lovely family?

Now, let me take you to meet Family E

In this family, E is the smallest member and always stays in the middle

Words of this family
 will have the sound of small E

Let us begin GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Sing along Boys,
One more time.

Excellent work Boys,

Now, take out your notebook and write the following words in it.

Printable CVC Word List | Short A

Printable CVC Word list | Short E

Enjoy your weekend!!!