Holiday Homework Class 1

Hello Boys,

To fill your summer break with fun and frolic, I have some very exciting activities stored for you.

Excited To See You GIFs | Tenor


Week 1

Let us start our summer holidays with an activity for our fingers.

These activities can be done by using materials available at home.

Click on the links below to see how it is done

You may do any of these activities depending on the tools available at your Home.

Note for parents: This activity is a fine motor skill activity and is essential as a pre-writing activity for children.

Click pictures of your son doing these activities and send it the concerned teacher.


Week 2

Boys, in this week we are going to check our knowledge of Diagraph "Ch"

Click on the link below to revise the diagraph

In your Notebook, do the following worksheets

Digraphs: CH Worksheets and Activities {NO PREP} (With images ...

Ch Digraph Worksheets Or Stations Or Games | Teachers Pay Teachers

Note: You May colour the pitures and decorate the worksheets the way you like.


Week 3

In this week we would do a fun filled activity to revise words with diagraph "Th"

For this activity, you need
1) Pulses
2) Fevicol
3) Plain drawing (A4) Sheet

Let us first revise the words with diagraph "Th"

 Click on the link below to look at the video

1) Choose your favourite "Th" word and write it on the sheet in big capital letters

2) Apply fevicol over the written word.

3) Take a bowl full of pulses and sprinkle it on the fevicol so that many stick to the paper to form the letter.

4) Let it dry. Remove the excess pulses from the sheet

Viola! your Pulse Diagraph sheet is ready.

Below is an example of the final result

Don't forget to take a picture of it and send it to the concerned teacher


Week 4

In this week we are going to revise words with diagraph "WH"

Click on the link below to look at the video

Now, take out your notebooks and do the following worksheets in it

Wh Digraph Worksheets | Teachers Pay Teachers

FREE Digraph WH: Phonics Word Work {Multiple Phonograms} | Phonics ...

Week 5

We would end our summer break with a very interesting activity.

During this activity we would be revising the diagraph "Sh"

Click on the link below to revise the sound

In this week, we would be making a wheel

A wheel of fortune
A wheel of Diagraph "sh"

Look at the image below to get an idea.

DIGRAPHS (CH,SH,TH) | Teaching digraphs, Word work kindergarten ...

NOTE: You may draw and paste this sheet on a cardboard, you can use glitters and various colours to make the wheel colourful and attractive.

To practice using the wheel, all you need to do is rotate the wheel and read the words.

It is fun, isn't it?


Happy Summer Holidays -