Rule of Singular Plural (y changes to ies)

Good Morning BOYS,

In the previous class we learned the rule of 

Y changing to IES (while changing singular to plural)

Let us observe some words

             Singular                  Plural

              Boy                        Boys

              Toy                         Toys

              Baby                       Babies

                            Fly                          Flies

As you can see, in the first two words

The Singular word
 ended with Y with a vowel before it

In the last two words

The singular word 
ended with Y with a consonant before it

The rule says,

If the word ends with a Y with a consonant before it, you change the Y to IES to make it plural

Click on the link given below to look at the video

Now, write the following 5 examples in your notebook

Singular                             Plural

Baby                                  Babies

Fairy                                 Fairies

Dairy                                 Dairies

Lady                                  Ladies

Family                               Families